Managed IT for Recruitment CFO’s The support and development of IT services for recruitment companies has been the very foundation of the Blue Saffron offering for over a decade. Having worked with many medium-sized firms, we understand their challenges and have developed intelligent IT solutions to create positive impact for recruitment consultancies. For more information click here. “We had to get out of the fire-fighting mode and find a way of creating time and space for the IT team to start tackling the bigger and more complex issues. Not only did Blue Saffron help take the burden of this fire-fighting activity, they were able to put the systems in place that have enabled us to take decisions and prioritise based on real support data.” Andy Crow | Head of Support Services | Morgan Hunt Case Studies Blue Saffron works extensively with the recruitment sector. The support and development of IT services for recruitment companies has been the very foundation of our offering for over a decade. Read our case studies to learn how your organisation could benefit from our help. Our Partners Resources