Businesses that use technology to their advantage increase productivity by 6% each year. This is 30 times more than typical performance improvements (Andrew Haldane, Chief Economist, Bank of England). 

For most businesses, this may seem like a complex and timeconsuming task, but actually, it’s entirely possible to totally overhaul your productivity performance in bite-size pieces. 

Technical Resources

The first thing we recommend is a full audit of your systems to see when productivity is best, worst and perhaps stagnated. Establish whether this is a system, process or person issue, ocaused by something like challenges with the integration between new and older legacy systems. 

This audit is so important because productivity isn’t a onesizefitsall approach. What works for one business, might be useless for the next. Solutions are often grouped for sales purposes under headings like collaboration, productivity, connectivity – but it doesn’t mean, just because they fall under that heading, that they will deliver an optimum result on that challenge for every business. You need to be fussy. 

The next thing we recommend is engaging a Managed IT expert to take a 360-degree view of your set up, then identify for you the low hanging fruit with the biggest ROI. These are the solutions, systems and changes that you can put in place as a priority to  deliver real, measurable value in terms of productivity. 

Our stats show, for example, that just adding our mobility solution delivered one customer 10 hours more productivity, per employee, per month. That’s more than one extra day per employee each month, through working on secure and flexible solutions. Wow. Imagine what else could be achieved across your business. But even if you onlhave the budget or inclination to make one change at a time, making the right change can make all the difference. 

Other examples in our experience, include customers who have saved time onboarding new staff by 33%Imagine the impact that this could make in a speedily growing business, allowing staff to hit the ground running quicker and streamlining the process for HR. 

One of the many benefits of Managed IT is that you’ll always end up with the latest solutions, upgrades and experts delivering it for you. While we are talking about efficiency and effectiveness, we have to mention  why we’ve developed our robust and agile productivity platform that we call Solid Blue. it is designed to be configured around your business goals and, can:  

  • Give you visibility into how your business is performing against your business KPIs 
  • Deliver immediate insights to help you improve productivity 
  • Help to improve business processes 

 We create a productivity dashboard specific to your business by aggregating and visualising the important data that makes your business tick.  

 In practical terms, Solid Blue has already helped our customers improve sales productivity, resolve data quality issues, improve billing quality and increase customer retention. Pretty impressive. 

 Your dashboard can show you how your business can become more productive. It also delivers insights into data quality, process, system and user experience problems 

Solid Blue delivers the visibility you need into how your people, processes and technology are performing.  Transparency at its best.  Find out more about how we can help you improve your productivity here.

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Customer Satisfaction - 98%
Response time under 1hr - 95%
First Contact Fix Rate 83%

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